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Morton CE Primary School

Morton CE Primary School

The School Day


When does school start and finish?

Morning session: 8:45a.m - 12:00p.m

Afternoon session: 1p.m - 3:15p.m

What do I do if my child is ill?
If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office as soon as you can. For safety reasons, we operate a thorough absence monitoring procedure, so early notification is crucial.

Drinks in school

Children can bring in water to drink during the school day which should come in an appropriate water bottle, this will be kept in the classroom.  The water bottle should go home each day to be washed and refilled for the following day.  Children should only bring water into school.  Fruit drinks, squash, cartons etc. can be used in lunch boxes but no fizzy drinks.  

Breaks and lunchtime

Children in EYFS and Key stage 1 have a morning and afternoon break.

Children in Key stage 2 have a morning break.

Children can bring in a small healthy snack - this should be fresh fruit, cheese or cereal bars (these must not contain nuts, we operate a strict no nut policy)

Our EYFS and Key stage 1 children will get a free healthy snack provided such as carrots, apples, pears, bananas.  The snack is different each day.  Children can still bring in their own snack if they would like to.  

Lunchtime is between 12.00noon and 1pm.


During break and lunch the children have the chance to play different games and enjoy a variety of activities.  


School meals 

Follow this link for information about school meals and packed lunches


We ask that packed lunches are balanced and healthy and must not contain any nut products, we operate a strict no nut policy