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Morton CE Primary School

Morton CE Primary School

Otters - Year 3

Hello and welcome to Otter Class

Our teacher is Mr Parker.

Miss Lee also supports us with our learning.

Year 3 is the exciting and important step into Key Stage 2. Here we begin to build on your child's love of learning while encouraging them to become resilient, independent and thoughtful young learners.


Over the course of the year, all children are expected to read both in school and at home. We encourage children to read a range of different texts as well as those they enjoy most. In Year 3, this could be from a book provided to match their reading level, the class library or one from home!

The children can log their reading activity into their reading diary. In return for regular reading entries, they will earn raffle tickets each term and are entered into a school-draw. One child from each class is drawn each half-term for the chance to win a brand-new reading book of their choice!


PE lessons will take place for an hour, twice a week. Our PE days are on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. Each week we will have one indoor session and one outdoor session, weather permitting. Children may come to school in their PE kit on PE days.

Please could you ensure that long hair is tied back, and any jewellery can be removed by your child before the lesson or, alternatively, before school. Children must be able to remove earrings before participating in PE.

Home learning:

At the start of each new term, your child will be sent home with a set of 6 new home learning challenges. Each week, they may choose one of the challenges they would like to try and complete it for their homework. Home learning, where possible, should be completed in their home learning book and handed in during the week. These books will be marked and returned on a Wednesday. Throughout the week, we will take opportunities to share and celebrate one another's hard work.

Otter class will also have spellings set each week. A termly overview will be sent out along with their home learning pack. This will detail the focus for each week and a list of the ten words we will be learning in our spelling lessons to support regular practice. The weekly spelling test will take place every Friday morning.

Trips and visitors:

In Year 3, we learn about the Romans and their impact on Britain in the Spring Term. To help develop our understanding and gain an appreciation for how historians gather knowledge of the past, we visit the Lincoln Museum for a full day's Roman workshop. Here we take part in an archaeological dig, have a guided tour of and handle real Roman artefacts and even join the Roman army!